Carefully buy cheap inflexo machine
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Used Machines: Concerns about flexo printer life
Importing old machinery can cause the import of outdated machinery and equipment, causing waste to affect the environment.
Usually the useful life of a machine is not more than 10 years, and for some machines related to software and information technology, the 10-year machine is too outdated. Printing equipment printing industry, after only 5-7 years, printing establishments wanted to liquidate.
Imported old flexo printers must be at least 80% of the quality, but they cannot clearly assess the quality of details, only consider the criteria of origin, origin, radioactive testing and standards for environment.
To overcome the above, it is necessary to receive tax incentives when importing new machines
Because Vietnamese enterprises' capacity is still weak enough to invest in new imported machinery, this is a major barrier to production.
Therefore, it is necessary to introduce tax incentives and customs procedures for the investment in new equipment and technology. The administrative procedures for safety, energy saving, and environmental protection need to be simplified and supplemented with the one-stop shop.