Best practices when moving your packaging production line from one location to another

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    When your business expands or is required to move its physical location from one geographic area to another, that is no small task. Incident management, transportation and installation of packaging machinery can be a complex task. Below we will outline best practices for moving your packaging line, which will result in a smooth transition from one location to another.

    Make sure you have the correct power supply for your packaging manufacturing equipment

    When moving your packaging line into a new warehouse, one of the important things is your power supply. Using the wrong type of power supply can lead to a range of potentially serious problems including under- or over-supplied equipment, which can lead to significantly reduced downtime and proper use of the power source. The electricity is most secure for your machine operator and packaging staff.
    Make sure you have the right power supply for your packaging equipment and this has been prepared in advance. This will allow for a smooth transition from transporting the aforementioned equipment to easy installation.

    Space layout in the most efficient way.

    When moving to a new location, it is important to see whether space optimization will allow for greater efficiency and a smoother packing line. Depending on the nature of each type of machine, there may be opportunities to improve your line.
    Work with your packaging machine supplier and ask for assistance during the installation process. It's a good way to leverage their expertise to make sure you're using your new space in the most efficient way possible. Analysis of your current packaging line before moving is highly recommended. Reviewing the blueprints as well as the physical location with your representative is a great way to plan ahead of potential improvements compared to your previous packaging line design.

    Which packaging equipment did you move first and when?

    Depending on the type of machine you are running and how the device is presented, it may be more advantageous to create a plan to move the right device at the right time. Depending on the size, power requirements, physical location on the line and the weight of your machine, some plans ahead of time are an important decision of this process.
    Contact your packaging and machinery representative to help you plan based on the above plans that will allow you to make fast, reduced unnecessary or repeated actions. Back in the process of transporting and installing your machine in the new location.

    How do you keep your customers in the transition?

    It is obvious that in the process of failure, packaging, transporting and installing your packaging line at a new location, you will experience a considerable amount of downtime. It is extremely important how you organize the running work for customers at that time.
    If possible, plan a part in advance of production so that they can continue to be supplied to your customers while the move is in progress. In case this is not possible, contact your customer and let them know in advance that there may be a delay in shipping the order.
    Working with each customer, this can be a problem and devise a plan to limit downtime and / or solve the problem to ensure it still fulfills its orders during the move. Again, working with your representative from a supplier of machinery and packaging materials will help you best deal with the situation and develop a plan to enable the conversion as easily as possible.
    Are there any packaging machines that need to be taken out for shipping due to size, shape, etc.
    Some packaging machines are particularly complicated when moving due to their size, weight and shape. You must know that the weight limits for the vehicles you are using to transport are not enough to accommodate your entire machine. This may result in you disassembling the machine and transporting it into smaller pieces and then reassembling them at the new location.
    Or when the weight of the machine is not a problem, for the strange shape of the machine, disassembling and transporting it on some trips may still be necessary.
    Place your device to ensure relative uniformity for transportation and protection for each part during transit to your new location.

    Use your packaging machinery supplier to help reinstall the packaging production line system

    Chances are, when you initially set up your packaging line, you received help and guidance from your packaging vendor and designated representative for your business. So contact them and ask them for assistance installing the device at your new location.
    Although you may think you can do it yourself as you originally installed it, the new location may cause some situations you haven't experienced yet. Taking advantage of the equipment supplier's expertise during the operation of equipment installation in their new location will help you eliminate unnecessary downtime and avoid troubles that you may not be prepared for. good